Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hi Everyone,
I goofed up this week. We were going to have a potluck in the Lutheran Church basement on18th followed by a Christmas Carol Sing-a-long. Unfortunately, I forgot there is no one at the church on Friday to get it set up and I didnt want to put it in the paper without checking with them first soooooo..

Tues. Dec. 21, 6 pm, Pizza Hut, 945 S 5th
(some of you may be tired of Pizza Hut and I certainly take suggestions, but the reason we keep going there is because it is cheap. I know a lot of us don't have a lot of money right now so that is why Pizza Hut keeps popping into my head. The purpose of our get togethers has nothing to do with food anyway. It is mainly so we can get together and laugh and talk and feel each other's presence in our lives. So if you object to Pizza Hut, please let me know.)

Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day: If there is anyone who has no plans on either day and would like to do something together, please let me know as soon as possible.

New Years Eve Dance
Non-smoking and Non-drinking
Dec. 31, 2010
Courtesy Ford Showroom
1600 Yellowstone Ave
Pocatello, ID
Little Lost River Band
light refreshments/noisemakers
$10 per person
For more information 237-0665

Singles Dance
Non-smoking and Non-drinking
Jan. 15, 2011
8:30 pm-midnight
Courtesy Ford Showroom
1600 Yellowstone Ave
Pocatello, ID
Kourtney Albertsen's "Rockin A Team" Band
$5 per person
For more information 237-0665

Love ya all!