Friday, November 12, 2010

Week Nov. 14-20

Hi Everyone,
Please don't forget the Singles Dance on Sat. Nov. 13 at Courtesy Ford in Pocatello!
That is at 1600 Yellowstone Ave. It will run from 8:30-midnight. The band will be the Little Lost River Band and the charge is $5 per person. Of course, it will be non-smoking and non-drinking. ALL AGES are welcome!

****please, please, please....I need help getting chairs. I also need people to bring cookies and/or punch... please email me or call me at 237-0665 if you can help me***

Just to let you know...I have advertised this dance in about every way I can think of and I am expecting a good crowd. I also expect the crowd to increase as we get this going on a monthly basis! Please support me!

Also, please don't forget! There will be a Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving Day for all singles who would like to join us! Children are always welcome. We need an RSVP on this so we will know how many to plan on and how big of a place we will need. The location will probably be at the same place it was last year but I am still waiting for a headcount. There will be games, dancing, good food, good conversation and friends! Come early and stay late!

This Tues. we will meet at Pizza Hut, 945 S 5th at 6 pm. Please join us!

Love ya all!
208 237-0665