Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hi Everyone,
I goofed up this week. We were going to have a potluck in the Lutheran Church basement on18th followed by a Christmas Carol Sing-a-long. Unfortunately, I forgot there is no one at the church on Friday to get it set up and I didnt want to put it in the paper without checking with them first soooooo..

Tues. Dec. 21, 6 pm, Pizza Hut, 945 S 5th
(some of you may be tired of Pizza Hut and I certainly take suggestions, but the reason we keep going there is because it is cheap. I know a lot of us don't have a lot of money right now so that is why Pizza Hut keeps popping into my head. The purpose of our get togethers has nothing to do with food anyway. It is mainly so we can get together and laugh and talk and feel each other's presence in our lives. So if you object to Pizza Hut, please let me know.)

Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day: If there is anyone who has no plans on either day and would like to do something together, please let me know as soon as possible.

New Years Eve Dance
Non-smoking and Non-drinking
Dec. 31, 2010
Courtesy Ford Showroom
1600 Yellowstone Ave
Pocatello, ID
Little Lost River Band
light refreshments/noisemakers
$10 per person
For more information 237-0665

Singles Dance
Non-smoking and Non-drinking
Jan. 15, 2011
8:30 pm-midnight
Courtesy Ford Showroom
1600 Yellowstone Ave
Pocatello, ID
Kourtney Albertsen's "Rockin A Team" Band
$5 per person
For more information 237-0665

Love ya all!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This N That

Hi Everyone,
The singles group is sponsoring a Sweet Adelines Community Concert this Sunday evening at Courtesy Ford in Pocatello at 7pm. I could still use some help with chairs and with greeting people and making them feel welcome. Any volunteers would be greatly appreciated.

I still haven't decide if we need cookies and punch or not... any comments on that?

Also, don't forget the Singles Dance on Sat. Dec.11, 8:30-midnight also at Courtesy Ford. {Aren't these people great?) There will be a live country western band but I havent decided just who yet. The Little Lost River Band called yesterday to tell me someone in their group is having surgery and can't make it on the 11th.

Someone suggested we go to the hot pools in Lava on Tues. evening. Of course, you could wear something besides a swimming suit! You won't catch me dead in a swimming suit! For those who didnt want to go in the pool we could do something else while the rest of the group soaked. Let me know what you think before I send my announcement to the Journal tomorrow.

One more thing.....are there singles who will be alone on Christmas or Christmas Eve.
We could do something if there is an interest. Let me know.

Love ya all,

Here's the announcement for the Concert:

Sweet Adelines Community Concert This Evening

The whole community is invited to a special Christmas Concert by The Sweet Adelines (Pocatello Showcase Chorus) this evening, Sunday Dec. 5 at 7:00 pm at 1600 Yellowstone Ave (Courtesy Ford Showroom)
Pocatello Showcase Chorus is a performing and competing chorus and has been entertaining audiences for the past 45 years. They are a Chartered Chapter of Sweet Adelines Int'l which is a worldwide organization of 30,000 female barbershop singers.

The chorus has members who travel from Idaho Falls, Shelley, Blackfoot and Marsh Valley to sing every Thursday night. They compete every year in Region which consists of four states, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and part of Washington. They have medaled many times in years past, but for the last three years they have medaled in the top three in the Small Chorus Division and in the top four and five overall. They are 30 members strong and have a program to train and educate guests and new members, in the artistry and finesse of performance.
Their director, Mary Liston, began her long career with sweet Adelines in 1968 and has been directing this chorus since 1993. Mary has extensive music training and continues to attend upper division classes at every opportunity.
We invite everyone in the community to join us this evening for a wonderful performance! For more information you can call 237-0665